
by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.
A True Help
for Endometriosis
Mainstream physicians
readily acknowledge that pregnancy retards endometriosis and in some cases cures endometriosis.
Mainstream medicine also acknowledges that menopause cures endometriosis. Now, the United States Food and Drug Administration
(U.S. FDA) has approved
Natural Progesterone for endometrial (uterine lining) hyperplasia (proliferation). Many
mainstream physicians are now using natural progesterone to fool the body into thinking it is pregnant
("pseudopregnancy") and stop endometriosis. Endometriosis is simply uterus innner lining (endometrium) that
has ended up where it should not be. The endometrial cells (uterine inner lining) end up in the abdominal cavity next to the intestines, fallopian
tubes, or on the ovary, and cycle through a menstrual period there causing endometriosis.
What is it about pregnancy that cures endometriosis?
There are three types of estrogen that the body produces: estradiol, estrone, and estriol.
Estradiol produced during a normal menstrual cycle goes into the cell receptor and stimulates the cell receptor strongly stimulating endometriosis to grow. However, estrone and
estriol go into the same receptor and stimulates it weakly blocking out estradiol (estradiol stimulates the endometriosis to grow). During pregnancy, the
fetus produces precursors to estriol in the fetuse's adrenal glands. Then, the placenta produces estriol several orders of
magnitude greater than the non-pregnant state. Progesterone is also produced by the placenta during pregnancy. "Pro" means "for" and gesterone means "gestation".
During regular menstrual cycles, a woman produces 20 mg per day of progesterone. However, during the peak of pregnancy the woman's
body produces 400 mg per day of progesterone.
Thus, pregnancy may cure endometriosis in three ways. Progesterone tells the cells to stop proliferating and differentiate (grow up into an adult cell).
Progesterone also signals the ovary to NOT ovulate and thus, the ovary does NOT produce estradiol. Estriol goes into the estrogen receptor and blocks out estradiol and xenoestrogens from stimulating
the estrogen receptor, and causing the endometriosis to grow.
By taking natural progesterone, a patient can
fool the body into thinking it is pregnant and STOP the
endometriosis from growing. Natural progesterone is a natural
bioidentical hormone that your body produces during the latter
half of your menstrual cycle and all throughout pregnancy.
Natural progesterone indirectly signals the ovaries to stop
producing eggs and estradiol. Thus, natural progesterone commands
the ovary to stop signaling the endometriosis to
progesterone is NOT the same estrogen and progestin in
prescription birth control pills. Natural progesterone
is NOT the same as Provera or Megestrol. These
prescription hormones are chemically modified from the natural
hormones to be different in order to be patented, have a
monopoly, and then can be sold at a large profit. Since
these prescription chemically modified hormones are not
naturally found in nature or in the body, they have many
potentially dangerous side effects. In contrast, natural
progesterone is bioidentical to the hormone in your body, and
is compatible with the human body with a minimal amount of
side effects. Thus, taking natural progesterone is safe,
feigns pregnancy, and stops the endometriosis from
growing. See Progestins.
It's likely that synthetic chemicals mimicking estrogen, xenoestrogens, are causing endometrisosis.
In 1992, rhesus monkeys that were fed dioxin at 25 parts per trillion 10 years earlier
developed endometriosis. This was the first solid evidence that an environmental toxin
caused endometriosis. 25 parts per trillion is a very small amount. It is equivalent
to the concentration spit after spitting into an Olympic sized pool. In other words, dilute 25 drops
of dioxin with 1,000,000,000,000 drops of water give this to rhesus monkeys and they get endometriosis
10 years later.
James Campbell, MD, a retired Ottowa physician, wrote about a PCB induced endometriosis
in Monkeys and Apes from a study carried out by the Canadian government to determine the
effects of PCBs in food. In the abstract for his presentation Dr. Campbell wrote:
"The endometriosis in these rhesus monkeys was much more productive of inflammatory reaction
than the otherwise similar process in humans..." The abstract notes that spontaneous endometriosis is
regarded as rare in monkeys and apes. In another presentation on the findings in 1988, Dr. Campbell also noted
that the animals experienced marked impairment of reproduction. See Cause.
Caution: You
must make sure to avoid xenoestrogens. If you do NOT avoid xenoestrogens
and take natural progesterone, the endometriosis may temporarily worsen. This is because the
natural progesterone resensitizes the estrogen receptors back to normal. Long term
chronic xenoestrogen exposure causes the estrogen receptors to be desensitized.
In less than 1% of women taking Natural
Progesterone by topical application, the women do not absorb
the progesterone well and oral Natural Progesterone may be
used. Also Natural Progesterone may not stop
the endometriosis from regressing because xenoestrogens are not elimnated from the
person's lifestyle, or the xenoestrogens are stored in the body fat.
Get Rid
of Endometriosis
NO Surgery!
Dr. Lee Treats
Endometriosis Successfully
Dr. Lee further writes in his book:
"Endometriosis is a serious condition in which tiny islets of endometrium (inner lining cells of the uterus) become scattered in areas where they don't belong: the fallopian
tubes, within the uterine musculature (adenomyosis), and on the outer surface of the uterus and other pelvic organs, the colon, the bladder, and the sides of the pelvic cavity. With
each monthly cycle, these islets of endometrium respond to ovarian hormones exactly as endometrial cells do within the uterus - they increase in size, swell with blood, and bleed into the surrrounding tissue at
menstruation. The bleeding (no matter how small) into the surrounding tissue causes inflammation and is very painful, often disabling. Symptoms begin seven days to twelve days before menstruation
and then become excruciatingly painful during menstruation. The pain may be diffuse and may cause painful intercourse or painful bowel movements, depending on the sites involved. Diagnosis
is not easily established, as there is no lab test to identify endometrial islets, nor are they usually large enough to show on an X ray or sonogram. Laproscopy (a minimally invasive surgery enabling a doctor
to look into the abdomen with a small scope) is very useful in this regard.
The cause of endometriosis is unclear. Some authorities argue
that these endometrial cells wander out through the fallopian tubes.
Others suggest they are displaced through some sort of embryological mix-up when an embryo is just forming its tissues. The
fact is, however, that endometriosis seems to be a disease of the twentieth century. Given the severity of the pains and the association with monthly periods, it seems unlikely that earlier doctors would not
have described the condition. Now that we know about xenoestrogens and the fact that the tissues of the developing embryo are especially sensitive to the toxic effects of xenoestrogens, it is tempting to speculate that our petrochemical age
has spawned diseases we've
never known before--and that endometriosis is one of them.
Mainstream treatment of endometriosis is difficult and not very successsful. Surgical attempts at removing each and every endometrial implant throughout the pelvis is only temporarily successful. Many of the tiny islets are simply too small to see, and
eventually they enlarge and the condition recurs. Another surgical venture is even more radical: the removal of both ovaries, the uterus and the fallopian tubes, the aim being to remove or reduce hormone levels as much as possible--not a pleasant prospect.

"As an alternative, I have treated a number of endometriosis patients, some after failed surgery, with natural progesterone and have observed considerable success."
See a new website that treats endometriosis with great success using natural treatment.
John Lee, M.D.
When women with endometriosis delay childbearing until their thirties, they are unable to conceive. Pregnancy
often retards the progress of the disease and occasionally cures it. With this in mind, other medical treatments attempt to create a state of pseudopregnancy,
with long periods of supplemented progestins to simulate the high progesterone levels of pregnancy. Unfortunately, the high
doses needed are often accompanied by side effects of the progestin and breakthrough bleeding.
As an alternative, I have treated a number of endometriosis patients, some after failed surgery, with natural progesterone and have observed considerable success. Since we
know that estrogen initiates endometrial cell proliferation and the formation of blood vessel accumulation in the endometrium, the aim of treatment is to block this monthly estrogen stimulus to the aberrant endometrial islets.
Progesterone stops further proliferation of endometrial cells. I advised such women to use natural progesterone cream from day six (6) of the cycle to day twenty-six (26) each month, using one ounce of cream per week for three weeks, stopping just before their
expected period. This treatment requires patience. Over time (four to six months), however, the monthly pains gradually subside as monthly bleeding in the islets becomes less and healing of the inflammatory sites occurs. The monthly discomfort
may not disappear entirely but becomes more tolerable. Endometriosis is cured by menopause. This technique is surely
worth a trial, since the alternatives are not all that successful and laden with undesirable consequences and side effects."

"This treatment requires patience. Over time (four to six months), however, the monthly, the monthly pains gradually subside as monthly bleeding in the islets becomes less and healing of the inflammatory sites occurs. The monthly discomfort
may not disappear entirely but becomes more tolerable."
John Lee, M.D.
From my women patients, I learned that
Premenstrual Syndrome, PMS, was most often a sign of estrogen dominance. I also recommend adding vitamin E in dosages of 600 IU
at bedtime, supplemental magnesium (300 milligrams a day), and vitamin B6 (50 milligrams per day)*. This treatment
is simple, safe, inexpensive, successful, and natural."
Indole-3-Carbinol is a dervative of brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. Indole-3-Carbinol
gives your body the raw material to inactivate estradiol. Take 200 mg/day of indole-3-carbinol.
Since indole-3-carbinol lowers estradiol levels you may or may not get hot flashes. However, you may only
need to take indole-3-carbinol for 2-3 months for your endometriosis. Clinically, we seem to
get better results using indole-3-carbinol rather than DIM (Diiindolymethane). Indole-3-Carbinol lowers
estradiol. Estradiol stimulates endometriosis. Thus, using indole-3-carbinol makes the endometriosis better.
Recently, we have heard good things about Fibrovan. Fibrovan contains Nattokinase.
Nattokinase is an enzyme that comes from a bacteria that grows on a traditonal Japanese food
called Natto. Natto has been eaten in Japan for a 1000 years.
Nattokinase safely breaks down blood clots. Nattokinase breaks down adhesions from Endometriosis. Adhesions
are scar tissue on the bowel from the bleeding that occurs with endometriosis. To read more about Endovan, Nattokinase, and Endometriosis click here.
The Nattokinase in Endovan is complexed to maltodextrin which makes it last in the human body 8-12 hours vs
2-3 hours for others. Nattokinase also seems to have great variability
in quality depending on the brand.
*Whole grains also regulate hormonal levels due to
their high levels of vitamin B and vitamin E, which have a beneficial effect on both the liver and the ovaries.
In 1942, a researcher named Biskind found that B vitamin deficiency hindered the liver's ability to metabolize
estrogen levels in both animal and human test subjects. The addition of B vitamin supplementation to the diet of
women suffering from PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fibrocystic breast disease helped to decrease the severity
of their symptoms. Studies conducted at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s found that taking a specific B vitamin,
pyridoxine B6, helped to relieve symptoms of menstrual cramps and PMS.
Research also conducted during the 1980s at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center similarly found, in several
placebo controlled studies, that vitamin E is useful in reducing many PMS symptoms, as well as fibrocystic breast
discomfort. Other studies have found that vitamin E supplementation reduced menopause related hot flashes, fatigue,
and mood swings in 66 to 85 percent of the women tested, depending on the study. One additional study noted a decrease
in the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in 50 percent of the postmenopausal women volunteers.
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